Couldn't add all phrases to the random phrases array (probably out of RAM). Try turning off improved randomizing. Uli's Moose will now quit.
There was an error while trying to initialize the random phrases array (probably out of RAM). Try turning off improved randomizing. Uli's Moose will now quit.
There was an error while trying to speak the current phrase. Uli's Moose will quit.
There is not enough memory to speak the current phrase. Uli's Moose will increase its own memory partition by 10k and quit. After a restart, it should work without problems.
Uli's Moose couldn't start up because the selected animation file has an invalid format.
Uli's Moose couldn't start up because of an error while building the phrase set look-up table. Make sure you have installed at least one set of phrases.
Uli's Moose couldn't start up because of a problem creating the Moose window.
Uli's Moose needs the Speech Manager extension and the Speech control panel to run.
Uli's Moose requires System 7.1 or later.
Uli's Moose couldn't launch because the event filter could not be installed.